• 欧洲杯竞猜学院简介






学院拥有一个安徽省高等学校人文社会科学欧洲杯冠亚军重点研究基地(工业信息与经济研究中心)、共建一个省级工程中心(安徽省生态工程技术研究中心)。学院内设创新经济、经济发展、数量经济、国际经济与贸易、产业经济、金融、区域经济、数字经济与创新发展等7个研究所/中心。近5年来共获批各类国家级基金项目32项,其中2018年吴华清教授获批国家社科基金重大项目,2021年洪进教授获批国家社科基金重点项目。在《经济研究》《欧洲杯投注经济学(季刊)》等国内著名期刊,以及《Environmental and Resource Economics》、《European Journal of Operational Research》、《Technovation》、《China Economic Review》等国际知名期刊发表高水平论文100余篇,获国家及省级教学与科研成果奖10余项,出版学术专著20余部。多个智库报告被国家级、省部级等领导批示和党政部门采纳;50余项产业与区域发展规划被地方政府采用。

学欧洲杯冠亚军院高度重视国际交流与合作。与美国克拉克大学的本科生联培项目是合肥工业大学唯一经教育部批准的中外合作办学项目,并与其签署了博士层次联合培养协议,学院还拥有澳大利亚国立大学“2+1”研究生联培项目和波兰华沙大学 “2+2”本科联培项目。近年来分别举办了“中国留美经济学会(CES2018中国年会”、“数据包络分析(DEA2017国际学术会议”等大型国际学术会议, 2021年承办了世界制造业大会“现代化都市圈与先进制造业论坛欧洲杯冠亚军”。学院还与美国、英国、澳大利亚以及台湾地区等10余所高校开展了一系列的教学与科研合作。



欧洲杯决赛Introduction to the School of Economics

School of Econom欧洲杯决赛ics (SOE) at Hefei University of Technology was founded in 2011. Its history can be traced back to the mid-1980s when it 欧洲杯比分offered a major in industrial foreign trade. In the early 1990s, it significantly impacte欧洲杯比分d the study of China's industrial economic benefits. The school began recruiting undergrad欧洲杯投注uate students in Trade Economics (which was renamed Economics in 1999) in 1993. In 1996, i欧洲杯竞猜t started offering undergraduate programs in International Economics and Trade, Finance, a欧洲杯买球网nd other disciplines. In 1999, it was authorized to offer a master's degree in Industrial Economics. In 2006, it was aut欧洲杯决赛horized to offer another master's degree in Regional Economics and Quantitative Economics. 欧洲杯竞猜In 2010, it was authorized to offer a master's degree in Applied Economics. In 2014, it was approved to offer a master'欧洲杯买球网s degree in Finance (MF). In 2018, it was approved to offer a master's degree in Theoretical Economics. In 2019, its maj欧洲杯预测or of Financial Engineering was approved as a “National First-Class Undergraduate Major Co欧洲杯赛事nstruction Site”. In 2021, its major in International Economics and Trade was approved as 欧洲杯决赛a “National First-Class Undergraduate Major Construction Site” as well, and the major in Economics was approved as a “Pr欧洲杯冠亚军ovincial First-Class Undergraduate Major Construction Site”.

The school has a high-quality 欧洲杯决赛faculty team. There are currently 111 faculty members, including 93 full-time teachers, am欧洲杯冠亚军ong whom there are 20 professors and 40 associate professors. They mainly graduated from f欧洲杯投注amous domestic and foreign universities such as Renmin University of China, University of 欧洲杯买球网Science and Technology of China, Nanjing University, Wuhan University, Shanghai University 欧洲杯预测of Finance and Economics, and University of Western Australia. Five people have obtained 欧洲杯冠亚军overseas doctoral degrees, and 27 people have overseas visiting experiences. Among the ful欧洲杯买球网l-time teachers, there is 1 academic and technical leader in Anhui Province, 1 candidate f欧洲杯赛事or the academic and technical leader in Anhui Province, 1 expert enjoying special governme欧洲杯投注nt allowances from Anhui Province, 2 “teaching masters” in Anhui Province, and 4 “promisin欧洲杯竞猜g teaching talents” in Anhui Province; 1 “Overseas Famous Teacher” of the Ministry of Educ欧洲杯决赛ation(MOE), 5 “Huangshan Scholars” distinguished professors (not full-time), 4 doctoral su欧洲杯竞猜pervisors, and 57 master's supervisors.

The school has a teaching and office area of 5,000 欧洲杯冠亚军square meters, with departments including the Department of Economics, International Econo欧洲杯比分mics and Trade, Financial Engineering, and Economics and Trade (Xuancheng Campus). There a欧洲杯买球网re five educational support centers including the International Education Center (IEC), th欧洲杯比分e Experimental Teaching Center, the Master of Finance Education Center, the Academic Excha欧洲杯决赛nge Center, and the School-Enterprise Cooperative Education Center. The school offers thre欧洲杯冠亚军e undergraduate majors in Economics, International Economics and Trade (Chinese-Foreign Co欧洲杯投注operation in running schools), and Financial Engineering, and an Innovative Pioneer Class in 欧洲杯预测International Economics and Trade (digital economy and global economic and trade governan欧洲杯冠亚军ce). SOE is accredited to grant master’s degrees in Applied Economics and Theoretical Econ欧洲杯决赛omics and is also authorized to offer a professional master’s degree in Finance. The schoo欧洲杯投注l has 1,413 undergraduate students, 19 foreign students, and 385 graduate students.

In 2021欧洲杯赛事, the school was approved for the Ministry of Education's New Humanities and Social Scienc欧洲杯赛事es Research and Reform Project and also became a pilot school for the Ministry of Educatio欧洲杯投注n's High-Level International Talent Cultivation Project. The faculty teams of Internationa欧洲杯竞猜l Economics and Trade (Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools) and Financial Engin欧洲杯赛事eering are “Provincial Teaching Teams”, and the Financial Engineering major has been appro欧洲杯比分ved as an “Anhui Higher Education Revitalization Project”. The school has 1 national-level 欧洲杯买球网quality video open course, 5 school-enterprise collaborative education projects of the Mi欧洲杯投注nistry of Education, 3 provincial-level school-enterprise cooperation practice bases, 2 pr欧洲杯投注ovincial-level demonstrative experimental training centers, 1 textbook for the Ministry of 欧洲杯比分Industry and Information Technology's “14th Five-Year Plan”, 2 first-class textbooks in A欧洲杯买球网nhui Province, and 17 provincial first-class course construction projects. In the past fiv欧洲杯赛事e years, the school has won 48 quality engineering projects at or above the provincial level.

The school has an Anhui pro欧洲杯比分vincial key research base for humanities and social sciences in higher education (Industri欧洲杯预测al Information and Economic Research Center) and co-builds a provincial-level engineering 欧洲杯赛事center (Anhui Ecological Engineering Technology Research Center). The school has 7 researc欧洲杯竞猜h institutes, including the Institute of Innovative Economics, Institute of Economic Devel欧洲杯投注opment, Institute of Quantitative Economics, Institute of International Economics and Trad欧洲杯投注e, Institute of Industrial Economics, Institute of Finance, Institute of Regional Economic欧洲杯投注s, and Institute of Digital Economics and Innovation Development. In the past five years, 欧洲杯决赛a total of 32 national-level funding projects have been approved. Professor Wu Huaqing was 欧洲杯投注granted the major program of the National Social Science Foundation in 2018, and Professor Hong Jin was granted the key 欧洲杯冠亚军program of the National Social Science Foundation in 2021. Over 100 high-level papers have 欧洲杯预测been published in well-known domestic journals such as Economic Research, and Quarterly Journal of Economics, as well as 欧洲杯竞猜internationally renowned journals such as Environmental and Resource Economics,European Jo欧洲杯冠亚军urnal of Operational Research, Technovation, and China Economic Review. More than 10 natio欧洲杯竞猜nal and provincial-level teaching and scientific research achievement awards have been rec欧洲杯冠亚军eived and more than 20 academic monographs have been published.

The school attaches great i欧洲杯冠亚军mportance to international exchanges and cooperation. The Chinese-Foreign cooperative educ欧洲杯预测ational program with Clark University was approved by the Ministry of Education and has been proven to be very fruitful. 欧洲杯竞猜The school has also established doctoral-level collaboration with Clark University. In ad欧洲杯预测dition, the school has a “2+1” graduate-level joint educational program with the Australia欧洲杯买球网n National University and a “2+2” undergraduate joint educational program with the Univers欧洲杯冠亚军ity of Warsaw in Poland. In recent years, the school has hosted/organized large-scale inte欧洲杯比分rnational academic conferences, such as the “China Economic Society (CES) 2018 China Annual Conference” and the “Data En欧洲杯买球网velopment Analysis (DEA) 2017 International Academic Conference”, as well as the “World Ma欧洲杯赛事nufacturing Convention 2021: Modern Metropolis and Advanced Manufacturing Forum”. The scho欧洲杯买球网ol has also carried out a series of teaching and research cooperation with more than ten u欧洲杯决赛niversities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, etc.

Over the years, with 欧洲杯赛事the goal of building a “high-level, international, and distinctive research-oriented schoo欧洲杯买球网l”, the School of Economics has continuously promoted talent cultivation through high-qual欧洲杯冠亚军ity scientific research and made significant contributions to the economic and social deve欧洲杯投注lopment of the country and the local area.

Updated in March 2023